Holy crap, I have no idea where to begin...
We successfully made it to Brooklyn. The drive here was rigorous, and since we came things have been... crazy, to say the least. Let me give you the rundown.
Thanks to a little help from our friends (Steve, Spark, Sarah, Cynder, Josh, Lori, Matte) and family (Joey, Molly) we got all of our stuff into one U-haul truck. It wasn't easy or pleasant, but we did it. Then we drove... We made a pit stop in Albany to drop off some furniture with Stacy's mom, and then we hauled ass to Brooklyn. Unfortunately, due to extreme traffic (thank you Joey for maneuvering the U-haul across the Geo Washington Bridge) and poor planning we made it to our new house at about two a.m., and Danny, Rene and Brandon helped the three of us unload. Now everything is inside the house, but still in boxes because I am lazy, and Stacy has been at work.
Being Here
The first two days that I was here I suffered from the most extreme homesickness and panic I have ever felt. I would have moved back to Buffalo in a heartbeat if I could have, but I had just forked over a load of money and signed a lease so it wasn't an option. After two days in bed I reemerged to find that our new neighborhood is incredibly cute. The house is great. I love having Rene downstairs because he does amazing things like bring me breakfast. Everything is much better. Now, if I can only find a job...
Stacy stuck with our former company and started her new job on Wednesday. She'll fill you in about that later I assume. I am still attending job fairs and interviewing and hoping that I find a way to make money.
That's about it.
There were some pretty funny stories in the interim, but we'll have to revisit those later.
I'm glad you're feeling better Meg. Good luck with the job hunt. I can't wait to hear all of your stories. I wish I could pop in and help you guys set up.