Friday, July 24, 2009


Meghan: Whoa, for a second I thought Stacy wrote "ear." Era. Good. Carry on.

Stacy: Like, "Errrrrrahh" I have no idea what that means...

Anyway, this is it. Our last day working together. Or at least, working together for someone else. We will be working together (watch out world) on our own business venture soon, but today for the last time together we have on our name tags and our happy faces, and will be serving the public until midnight. That sounds kinda dirty doesn't it?

I am about 5 shots of espresso into the day so far, and my left eye keeps twitching. Should I be concerned? NAH, just need more caffeine!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stacy Wants Ninja Cats

It's official. We've gone crazy.

Our future downstairs neighbor called me today to complain about packing. I thought it was funny, because I wasn't packing when he called, but I was thinking about packing. Really, if you add up all the time I have spent thinking about packing and converted it into time spent... uh... packing, three houses would be boxed up and ready to move. However, theory does not imply action regardless of what Zizek says.

Some interesting things have been happening to Stacy and I in this weird home stretch. Stacy has developed Tourette's Syndrome and keeps wandering around twitching and swearing under her breath, and insisting that she wants ninja cats because there was a movie on a Canadian channel that featured highly-trained combat kitties. I have totally stopped doing anything other than wondering if anyone loves me. Oh, and singing songs like "Disco Inferno" at inappropriate times.

When my stepmother packed up her and my fathers house she bought color-coded tape and ironed things that were going into boxes. I am barely able to assemble boxes, let alone accurate pack or label them. How did she do it? Well, it's three a.m., and I think it's time to get packin'

Note: The word packing was used in excess due to laziness and lack of motivation. It in no way reflects the authors opinions on repetition as a literary device, assuming she is still sane enough to have opinions.

What To Do, What To Do

This is not what I am supposed to be doing right now. Meg & I are each at our own apartments in Buffalo finishing up the last of the packing, which mostly consists of clothes and blankets & lamps. I can't focus, nor am I sleepy. I am contemplating whether or not I really need all of these pairs of Payless shoes.

I am cranky and uncomfortable, two things which I attribute to eating pizza everyday since Tuesday, and could also be accounted for by PMS. In a misguided attempt to make myself feel better I ate some dark chocolate - yet I feel this is ok because I am drinking green tea. Hmmm, both of these things have caffeine, oh well.

Somehow, in two days, I will be in Brooklyn. My only hope is that my brother will still love me after he gets us there. Two premenstrual insomniacs, two cats, and a whole truck load of stuff.

Pray for him.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Packing Continues

Today was a good day. Don't get me wrong, it didn't go as planned - not that Meghan and I ever really have much of a plan, but today we were supposed to be up and out the door to get coffee by 10am. I think we left my apartment a little after noon.

Mornings typically go like this: the alarm clock goes off, I hit snooze; the phone alarm goes off, I hit dismiss; the clock goes off again, I hit snooze, and Meghan rolls over. The alarm clock is NOT next to the bed. The alarm clock is all the way across the room on top of my dresser. I get out of the bed, walk to the clock, fumble with the buttons, and dive back into bed. My neighbors must hate me.

This morning was much of the same, with Meg actually getting up to smash the alarm clock a few times. I am usually the one who ends the cycle, as I was today. The only reason I did was to check my bank account balance as I have done obsessively for the last two weeks. I don't know why I do this, I'm not sure if I am expecting the money to disappear or for thousands of dollars to suddenly show up there. Neither of these things has happened; I still have the same pitiful amount of cash. It is a good thing I am a wiz with lentils.

Yet we did get out of the apartment, grumble at one another until we reached Starbucks, and then magically, with iced caramel soy lattes in hand, everything was full of sparkles. Maybe I exaggerate, maybe the day of packing was still looming over our heads. We did get a lot accomplished. We probably only have about 3-4 hours of work left in each apartment, and pretty much it is just packing up the clothes.

The day ended splendidly. Our friend Steve came over to take part in the packing madness, and then we headed over to the Zicari's house. A few of the awesome folks from our neighborhood joined us, and we sat in the "cabana" drinking wine and beer, eating bugles, and wondering if it was ok that water was streaming down the christmas lights (it was raining, and there are a couple leaks in the cabana). I looked around at Shaun and Eric, Mark and Sarah, the Zicari clan, and felt blessed to know them. I admit, I am a little sad to leave B-lo behind, but I know that those folks, along with some of the many other fantastic people I have come to know will come visit.

I mean, doesn't everyone love NYC?

Creme de la Creme

I just spent three hours with some of the most fabulous people I have ever met.

Dan and Marcy graciously agreed to have an impromptu gathering of amazing people at their house this evening. Eric, Shaun, Sparky, Sarah, Squiddy, Alice and Patrick stopped by and hung out in the cabana, drank, and talked about life... Well, mainly we talked about work and finger puppets made to represent the plagues that led up to passover (in my three Red Stripes state I almost wrote Holocaust here, but that would be stupid and historically inaccurate)... It was wonderful. I had so much fun.

How can I leave these fantastic people behind? It caused a small crisis of faith to think that in one week I will only know a handful of people in the city I live in. Plus, they will probably not joke about making finger puppet sets of the martyred saints complete with miniature stones and missing eyeballs. Oh, Buffalo... I will miss you.

On the bright side, Steve, Stacy and I managed to get most of the stuff in my apartment into boxes and ready to be loaded on a truck! Go team, go!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Here I am!

Before anyone gets the idea that I am not a real person, I thought it was about time I made my appearance. In fact, Meghan is my hallucination, not the other way around.

Ok, not really. She is actually my friend - younger and more accomplished than I (though perhaps just as crazy) but she still lets me hang out with her, and now we are on our way to Brooklyn.

I leave this quaint attic apartment in Buffalo behind with mixed feelings. I've been through a lot here, a bit of darkness, yet in the end found my independence, and maybe a little courage. Packing up my belongings has understandably, unearthed a lot of memories and a lot of emotion, resulting in lost sleep. When I do slumber, it is restless, compounded by ceaseless grinding of my teeth - must remember to wear my mouth guard!!

If you've ever gone a few days without getting enough sleep, you know there are some interesting results. Sure, there are body-aches and a general sluggishness, but the most interesting effect is what a lack of sleep will do to your mind.

I do not even remember falling asleep last night. I vaguely remember I was packing in my office, watching an episode of Burn Notice on Hulu, and upon realizing it was 3:30am, grabbed my book and crawled into bed. I woke up with a start at 8:30, a bit disoriented, but aware enough to know I had to move my car or suffer the wrath of the timely traffic cops in my neighborhood. As I quickly got dressed, my gaze fell upon my hamper and I saw a piece of clothing which kind of made me lose touch with reality.

I stared at the unfamiliar pattern, and wondered where it came from. It was an odd shade of yellow, with orange and blue circles - was it a towel? A T-shirt? Was it MINE? In that instant, the entire world ceased to make sense. I felt as alien as the cloth I looked at.

If it was mine, why didn't I know what it was? It was on top of the hamper, I had obviously used it (or worn it) recently. It had to belong to me, which lead to a complete crack in my self-awareness. Who am I?

Then I stepped towards the hamper, leaned a little closer, scrunched up my eyes, and realized...

It was just the T-shirt I bought at the No Doubt concert.

I should also mention I normally wear glasses.

Stacy Refuses to Write

In the interest of truly freaking out about moving, Stacy actually picked up a pen and paper today, wrote a STORY, and still won't put up a blog. I think it's because she's a punk, but she keeps whining about how she's "just too busy." This could mean one of two things. The choices are (a) I'm right, and she's a huge wimp, or (b) she is doing much more packing than I am. I guess it could also be a combination of the two.

Anyway, Stacy's refusal to log onto our blog aside, let me tell you the story of THE WORST TUESDAY EVER. The caps are for effect, you see. The plan for today, as I understood it, was that I would fly to NYC and attend a "job fair." I put that in quotes for those of you who understand that this does not, in any way, even guarantee me an interview. Then I was supposed to have two interviews tomorrow. I went to work, I went to the airport in my suit, I went through security... I was doing okay right up until the point where I would actually be boarding said plane. Which, by the way, never actually arrived. Turns out that flights are occasionally cancelled due to "extreme weather (or "rain," as we laymen call it)". Lucky me. This is sweet. I love the prospect of unemployment, and perhaps eventual prostitution to pay my rent.

So I'm still in Buffalo, and have only managed to pack three or four boxes of my stuff, and we leave on Sunday. I can't wait to see how I pull this one off.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Packing

Okay, it's Meghan again.

I just spent an ungodly amount of time not packing, but trying really hard to pack. I think I need a packing coach. I keep thinking "I'll pack this," and then going, "Oh well, I should pack that after I've done this."

Not an effective strategy.

Stacy is still at work, and after that, I think we are going to Dan & Marcy's to say goodbye, and drink some wine. I'm currently working on packing my "media." It isn't going that well. I thought I would be organized like Stacy and get my CDs and DVDs into a booklet, but I didn't buy a booklet. The ones I had weren't full, but now I have left-over DVDs and I'm not sure if I should just pack them in their cases or if I should buy a new CD case... like I have any money.

I would pay someone to do this for me. I now understand why movers make so much money. They totally deserve it. There is nothing more stressful than moving!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Chapter One, Packing

Stacy is trying to whittle her CD collection down to 256 units in order to eliminate the massive amount of jewel cases that would have to move with us. She is putting her collection into a "CD book" and Lori and I are (sort of) watching the Royal Tenebaums. Well, and writing this. We leave for Brooklyn in ONE WEEK. The apartment is secured, the U-Haul is rented, and the few friends we have that are willing to help us load our stuff onto it are ready to be at my apartment on Saturday morning. This is really happening and we are pretty much unprepared.

While this is an exciting move, all-in-all, it has been a stressful month. We were almost taken by surprise when we realized that we only had a month left to pack, and now we have a week, and I have packed two boxes. Two. Boxes.

I am nearly at the delirium point, and Stacy has to be up at 7:30 a.m. to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, because she said she would, and we are running out of time to have one last hurray with the people we love that are (unfortunately) staying in Buffalo.

We will, no doubt, keep you posted on the craziness of packing and trying to get ourselves ready TO MOVE as the week unfolds, but we are a little bit busy right at the moment, and kicking ourselves for our lack of foresight.