Wednesday, February 10, 2010

and the city shuts down


Today we all sat around the house and marveled that schools were closed. If we were still in Buffalo, the schools would be open, and Meg, Danny & Liam would not have been able to sit around in jammies with me :)

What is amazing is the fact that everything will (supposedly) be open tomorrow. It's still snowing, so who knows.

I like to clean. I can't help it. Unfortunately, I no longer live alone, and launch into cleaning frenzies, during which, I move stuff. Fortunately, I have the best roommate who forgives me even when I throw out important stuff.

(It helps when you then dig through the trash in an attempt to retrieve the important stuff)

Anyway. This is for Meg.

Thank you for forgiving me when my OCD strikes, and thank you for listening to my winter-induced-crazy-depressed rantings. I'm very glad we all got to sit around & relax today.

Next week: Buffalo adventure!

Monday, January 11, 2010

2010 bitches!!!

Meghan and I rock.

Well, Meg is fabulous, and I am awesome, but you get the picture.

Check out our individual blogs if you haven't already & prepare yourselves for our NYC 2010 adventures.